Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Big Slicker

This is a poker blog where I will be posting my bankroll which I started the other day with $25.00 and post some funny poker videos. I just have too much time on my hands! :oP

I do pretty well with cash games but I want to get better at tournaments since it's better risk/reward factor. I am planning on playing cash NL Holdem games when my bankroll drops too much. I could of put more money in and played higher buy in tournaments, however I like the grind.

You can find my on my handle is JJWalker5.

So here where it is now! It's not very impressive however I made some money!

7 -1.20 tournaments lost 6 and came in 3rd (in the money) on one (1.80 pay 3rd place)

1 - 3.40 tournament (played it by accident) came in 3rd (6.00 pay for 3rd)

Tournament Play -$5.20

Cash Game .10/.25 blinds profit of $9.78

tournament loss of................................................-$4.00

Cash Game...............................................................+9.78


Bankroll....................................................................$30.78 (31 percent)

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