Monday, July 14, 2008

4th Place out of 180!

Since I am a low stakes player this is my biggest score. I've been playing dollar SitnGo and that's just been awful for me. I really respect a winning player at a dollar table more so then a 50 dollar table. I haven't played in about a month, however I been pretty pathetic and been looking for what NL Holdem games that are right for me. Full Tilt has a great one, the 5 dollar 90 players mulit-table. It's good because the top 18 (20%) makes it into the money. Unlike PokerStars $4.40 180 multi-table game, 18 players makes it into the money (10%). Since I don't have money in Full Tilt I went to PokerStars 180 player table tonight and came in 4th! For a whopping $57.80. I could of finished better but I was playing to win, went all in with about 40k in chips the big stack called (125k chips) I had KQos he had AQos and he won. Oh well! I love poker but it maybe a bit of a rush for me. A $4.00 dollar table and my heart was pounding on some hands. I guess it's just the competitiveness that I haven't had in a while that is oooozing out of my pours.
(click on the image to enlarge it) This tournament took 4 1/2 hours, needless to say I wont find much time to play these. The dollar sitNgo I think I am finished with them.
I sucked out a player in the first 10 minutes, I had a bad beat lost half my stack in about 10 minutes. I went all in with Pocket 10's a few hands later, Poker1 AB (his name) called with ACES and I hit trips and he did not. Ironically he made it to the final table and finished in 5th. He was pissed the whole time, telling me how I suck. Which I kind of do so i didn't bother me so much. LOL! Gotta love the Mirco-Tables!

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