Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's been a while.

I haven't been playing any poker in a long time. Seems like I take things too seriously when I want to get good at it. I am just going to try and have fun with it. I played the last two nights and I've been placing in the money most of the time. I wish I can get my head together with this game we call poker since most people seem to suck. lol..

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Poker site cheating plot a high-stakes whodunit

Maybe this explains some of my bad beats? Check out the link.
or read below

Allegations that a long-running cheating scheme bilked players on a leading Internet poker site have triggered an $85 million claim against a Canadian company whose employees allegedly manipulated the cyberspace card room’s software so that they could see their opponents’ hole cards, has learned.

The alleged subterfuge on — one of the 10 top poker sites — is the biggest known case of fraud targeting an Internet gambling site and its customers, according to the company that owns the site. It is similar to a case of cheating that occurred last year on UltimateBet’s sister site,, but this time the thieves ran the scheme for far longer — at least from January 2005 to January 2008, it said.

Word of the $85 million U.S. claim ($80 million Canadian) — the first indication of the scope of the alleged cheating — emerged this week when contacted a court-appointed liquidator overseeing the voluntary dismemberment of Excapsa Software Inc. of Toronto, which formerly owned and licensed the poker software to UltimateBet and other gambling sites. The claim was filed by Blast-Off Ltd. of Malta, a private company that currently has an ownership interest in Ultimate Bet.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Scotty Nguyen one Drunk Bastid!

LOL...well looks like Scotty had a tad too much to drink at the 50k Horse event. Here's a video...I like how his wife is laughing in the background. What a tool!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Words of Wisdom

I saw this picture on a wedding photograhpy blog. I couldn't say it any better myself.

Friday, July 25, 2008

First Live Tournament in Atlantic City

Yesterday I went to the Showboat in AC to play my first live tournament. Although I lasted a few hours I didn't make it into the money. I was surprise, but not really at the bad play going on. I would almost compare it to a $5.00 table on Stars or Full Tilt. However, I did walk away with $1100.00 profit playing hold em after the tournament!

When I got home I took some of my winnings and played a $30.00 ten person SitnGo and came in second for $81.00. Again, the play wasn't much different then the micro tables. The table was just a little tighter then the micro tables which was fine except when you had a monster. I don't think I will be playing that level but it was fun while it lasted!

Jul 25 00:12ET
$30 + $3 Sit & Go
$30.00 + $3
Won $81

Friday, July 18, 2008

2nd Place out of 27

Today I playeda 27 player multi-table tournament and came in second for a whopping $21.60. It was a $3.00 tournament. LOL. I played in a 45 player sitNgo and came in 6th just missing the money. I am a bubble boy! Check it out!

Iwent all in during heads up in the above game with Ace Jack, he called 33 caught and ace on the flop but he caught a 3 on the turn. Unreal!

Monday, July 14, 2008

4th Place out of 180!

Since I am a low stakes player this is my biggest score. I've been playing dollar SitnGo and that's just been awful for me. I really respect a winning player at a dollar table more so then a 50 dollar table. I haven't played in about a month, however I been pretty pathetic and been looking for what NL Holdem games that are right for me. Full Tilt has a great one, the 5 dollar 90 players mulit-table. It's good because the top 18 (20%) makes it into the money. Unlike PokerStars $4.40 180 multi-table game, 18 players makes it into the money (10%). Since I don't have money in Full Tilt I went to PokerStars 180 player table tonight and came in 4th! For a whopping $57.80. I could of finished better but I was playing to win, went all in with about 40k in chips the big stack called (125k chips) I had KQos he had AQos and he won. Oh well! I love poker but it maybe a bit of a rush for me. A $4.00 dollar table and my heart was pounding on some hands. I guess it's just the competitiveness that I haven't had in a while that is oooozing out of my pours.
(click on the image to enlarge it) This tournament took 4 1/2 hours, needless to say I wont find much time to play these. The dollar sitNgo I think I am finished with them.
I sucked out a player in the first 10 minutes, I had a bad beat lost half my stack in about 10 minutes. I went all in with Pocket 10's a few hands later, Poker1 AB (his name) called with ACES and I hit trips and he did not. Ironically he made it to the final table and finished in 5th. He was pissed the whole time, telling me how I suck. Which I kind of do so i didn't bother me so much. LOL! Gotta love the Mirco-Tables!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Crazy Stuff

Check out this guy on the roulette table. He gambled his life savings on one roll.

Monday, May 26, 2008

An Angry Poker Player

Check out this video, this guy is one bitter dude!

I'm gong to AC one July 11th to play in my first live tournament, anyone want to join me let me know.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A couple of very funny videos

What did we do before YouTube for entertainment. Oh yeah the TV thing and before that the Radio. Nothing like YouTube how it gets right to the good stuff. Check out these two videos they are so funny.

The above video is of Alan Boston, he's pretty intense when he plays.

Poker Blogs Blog World Series of Poke WPT world poker tour World Tavern Poker cambridge inn home poker games NL No Limit Texas Holdem Chris Moneymaker Phil Helmuth Daniel Negranu Doyle Brunson Chris Fergenson Phil Ivy Ivey Lady Maverick

Saturday, May 3, 2008

In the money 4 out of 5 times!

Today I had the house to myself and I played some NL Holdem. I played five sitNgos tournaments and finished in the money 4 out of the 5 times! Below you can see where I placed today. I am finally use to Bodog's interface and actually like it now.

5 out of 27 $$$$$$ (I am enjoying these multi-table tournaments!)
2 out of 10 $$$$$$
8 out of 10 no money
1 0ut of 10 $$$$$$
3 out of 10 $$$$$$

Yesterday and today was the first time I played in a while and starting to get in a zone again. I find myself playing when I have the time and not when I feel like it. It seem difficult to have both happening at the same time.

It was nice to be able to really concentrate just on the screen while playing, I don't get that situation too often with two 16 month old boys around all the time.

I played a $4.00 tournament to win that 15 bucks. I usually only play the $2.00 tournaments. The beginner tournaments on you place in the money if you finish in the top 5. So basically if you can't finish in the top 5 pretty constantly you probably shouldn't be playing or you need lots of practice. My goal when playing at a table of 9 or 10 is to finish in the top 3.

Poker Blogs Blog World Series of Poke WPT world poker tour World Tavern Poker cambridge inn home poker games NL No Limit Texas Holdem Chris Moneymaker Phil Helmuth Daniel Negranu Doyle Brunson Chris Fergenson Phil Ivy Ivey Lady Maverick

Friday, May 2, 2008

4th place out of 45 players

Tonight I decided to play a 5 table sit and go. Forty-five players and I came in fourth place. Not to shabby I guess, however I am a little disappointed how I played two hands when there were five players left. Those two hands kind of killed me. I busted out trying to be a donkey on the last hand. I was suited and gambled for the first time and went for the flush. That's me JJWalker5....Dynomite!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Five out of Six!

I played heads up in six $5.00 tournaments today and won the first four and the last! I feel I could have gone 6 for 6 but my boys (15 months) woke up at the same time freaking out and I was alone.

I played on for the first time. I am finally getting use to it, however I don’t think I like it as much as Poker Stars. I think I may play a tourney tonight on now that I am getting use to it.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Chris Moneymaker Money800

Moneymaker gets about as lucky as one can get. He calls an all in with a pair of 7's against a pair of Kings. The flop came 4s,7h,Kh, not looking good for Moneymaker, then on the turn was a 7 to make it four of a kind for Money800. That was pretty insane, check out the chat box.

Dealer: Starting new hand: #16627061214
Dealer: bsly13 posts the ante 125
Dealer: Money800 posts the ante 125
Dealer: DrRolf posts the ante 125
Dealer: d0nKKKKKKKKK posts the ante 125
Dealer: GetUpKidAK posts the ante 125
Dealer: tupacmn posts the ante 125
Dealer: TOOL ON TOUR posts the ante 125
Dealer: manx_money posts the ante 125
Dealer: LorDP posts the ante 125
Dealer: TOOL ON TOUR posts small blind 600
Dealer: manx_money posts big blind 1200
Dealer: Dealing Hole Cards
Dealer: LorDP folds
Allwaybluff [observer]: I like the game
Allwaybluff [observer]: not the money
Dealer: bsly13 raises 2400 to 3600
Dealer: Money800 calls 3600
Dealer: DrRolf folds
Teun23 [observer]: I lose my kk to qj bigbet preflop on the flop qj
Dealer: d0nKKKKKKKKK folds
Dealer: GetUpKidAK folds
Dealer: tupacmn folds
~SANDOG~ [observer]: i like the game
Teun23 [observer]: so sick
Dealer: TOOL ON TOUR folds
Dealer: manx_money folds
Dealer: Dealing Flop: [4s 7h Kh]
~SANDOG~ [observer]: just hate jokerstars
Dealer: bsly13 bets 2400
Dealer: Money800 raises 6000 to 8400
Allwaybluff [observer]: I lost my biggest pot preflop all inn AA vs 77
Dealer: bsly13, it's your turn. You have 15 seconds to act
Dealer: Player bsly13 has requested TIME
Allwaybluff [observer]: 862 dollar
Teun23 [observer]: I to aa 66
~SANDOG~ [observer]: draw
Teun23 [observer]: 6 on the river
Dealer: bsly13 raises 39454 to 47854 and is all-in
Dealer: Money800 calls 24230 and is all-in
Dealer: Dealing Turn: [7s]
~SANDOG~ [observer]: ouch
Harkie1337 [observer]: ouch
Allwaybluff [observer]: money out
MagicGrandpa [observer]: lol
Dealer: Dealing River: [Qc]
Harkie1337 [observer]: lol
[thePr1nc3] [observer]: ouchh
~SANDOG~ [observer]: omg
MagicGrandpa [observer]: cbffgffg
Dealer: bsly13 has a full house, Kings full of Sevens
Dealer: Money800 has four of a kind, Sevens
DunnBram [observer]: ohhhhhhhhhhh
MagicGrandpa [observer]: df
GetUpKidAK: ouch
Allwaybluff [observer]: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
jaxxn [observer]: lol
Dealer: Game #16627061214: Money800 wins pot (75385) with four of a kind, Sevens
Dealer: Limits going up: blinds 800/1600 ante 150
rudeboyV8 [observer]: wow
diegolindner [observer]: lolllllllllllllllllllllllllll
sniperk12 [observer]: lol
KrazyK76 [observer]: wow amazing
Cranker822 [observer]: oops ! WOW !!!!
hustleevery1 [observer]: oooooooooooooooooooooooo
Rainman_CT [observer]: wow nice
konig_acr [observer]: got to bee kidding
d0nKKKKKKKKK: someone please post that hand
Zishor22 [observer]: vn 1
HARDAA [observer]: wow
moyle_895 [observer]: LOL
jaxxn [observer]: r0fL
d0nKKKKKKKKK: on p5s
jank_OTZ [observer]: +vnnn
Marbl [observer]: ding

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A sick video

Check out this video, it's pretty sick. Each play gets dealt a pocket pair. That's not the amazing part, take a look!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Last 10 Tournaments

My last nine SitNGo tournament and one full tournament ($5.00 Entry) I've finished in the money 6 out of 10. Not so bad I guess. I would like to be in first 15-20 percent of the time. I've been pretty happy the way I've been playing, as they say patience is a virtue. Here is where I placed in my last 10.

Bold represents that I was in the Money.

2 out of 9
7 out of 9
1 out of 9
8 out of 9
6 out of 9
2 out of 9
3 out of 9

8 out of 9
248 out of 1910
2 out of 9

The Cincinatti Kid (1965)

Check out this great poker video from the movie The Cincinatti Kid that I found on YouTube.

Some Ups and Downs

The beginning of the week was filled with some bad beats, bad moves, and some good wins. However the bad beats out weighed the good wins. I took a few days off and yesterday I play a $5.00 $.50 tournament and came in 248 out of 1910. Not the greatest in the world but at least I was in the money. I was happy the way I played, I lost half my stack a few times and got it back. I always seem to play better from behind. I like the $5.00 tournaments there aren't as many idiots like the dollar games. In fact I didn't come across any the whole night! Then I played 3 SitnGos came in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The beginning of the week I was Mr. 4th place and not making it into the money. It was very frustrating so I needed some time away.
That's me JJWalker5 but not so Dynomite! I may play in the same buy in tournament at 9pm tonight!

Friday, March 7, 2008

A K OS vs. 3 4 OS (off suit)

Last night I had a pretty bad beat. I was heads up at a SitNGo that had a total of 10 entries. The other player started to try to get some free blinds by calling all in. I was dealt a Big Slick off suit and I called. The cards were turned over and he had a 3 4 off suit. I already knew what was going to happen. He drew a 3 and won the pot. It just doesn't seem right! I may try a full tournament today, however I think my eyes need a break!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

1st Place!

I do realize it's not that much of a big deal. I work from home (own biz) and my kids took a nap so I decided to play some SitNGos. Played four games and came in first in one of them. Not great but it's always nice to win! I am happy with the win more so because I played a texbook game and it paid off. So many donkeys in these $1.20 buy ins, it's nutz!
Check it out!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I guess I kind of suck at sit and go tournaments.

I had a bunch of bad beats the last 5 hours. I think it's the dollar buy in SitNGo tournaments you get a lot of maniacs. I was beat with aces in the hole against 9 5 off suited. The most painful I had a flush king high, and was beaten with a straight flush 45678. Awful! The worse part is I had about 4 four of a kinds today (yesterday) and no action! Unreal! I took a bit of a beaten then once again went to the cash games and walked away with 20 bucks on a .10/25 blinds. Which is pretty amazing. A guy was playing his straight very slow that he got on the flop and I caught the full house on the river. He went all in with $12.00 and I took it all. The cash games are so much easier, you can just play good hands if you like. Unlike tournaments you are forced to bet or the blinds will eat you alive. The good news with the SitNGos is that the last two games I came in 3rd and 1st. I told myself do what the books say, I was discipline and did well. For whatever reason it's very hard to do what you know you should do. A hand a round is all you need (if that), steal a few blinds here and there. I did that and it went well!

Once the bankroll is up is up to $100 bucks and I am atleast making the money 50% of the time I am moving up to the 3.40 tournaments. I am almost due for my $25.00 sign up bonus from!

My bankroll is up 40%

Check this out!

PokerStars Tournament #79847211, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $1.00/$0.20
9 players
Total Prize Pool: $9.00
Tournament started - 2008/03/06 - 01:40:44 (ET) Tournament finished - 2008/03/06 - 02:27:14 (ET)
1: JJWALKER5 (East Brunswick), $4.50 (50%)
2: munju31 (Richmond), $2.70 (30%)
3: Jimmy2Cool (Tempe, Arizona), $1.80 (20%)
4: Big Fig Newk (Gilbert),
5: flipwtal (Wuppertal),
6: nexstar79 (Seoul),
7: mmjetta (John Day),
8: Dalenas (Alytus),
9: 59sparky (Albion),
You finished in 1st place

A Phil Helmuth Bad Beat and Meltdown.

My favorite part of this video is when Helmuth says after he lost the hand, "This guy probably can't even spell poker."

The Big Slicker

This is a poker blog where I will be posting my bankroll which I started the other day with $25.00 and post some funny poker videos. I just have too much time on my hands! :oP

I do pretty well with cash games but I want to get better at tournaments since it's better risk/reward factor. I am planning on playing cash NL Holdem games when my bankroll drops too much. I could of put more money in and played higher buy in tournaments, however I like the grind.

You can find my on my handle is JJWalker5.

So here where it is now! It's not very impressive however I made some money!

7 -1.20 tournaments lost 6 and came in 3rd (in the money) on one (1.80 pay 3rd place)

1 - 3.40 tournament (played it by accident) came in 3rd (6.00 pay for 3rd)

Tournament Play -$5.20

Cash Game .10/.25 blinds profit of $9.78

tournament loss of................................................-$4.00

Cash Game...............................................................+9.78


Bankroll....................................................................$30.78 (31 percent)